

क्योंकि आपका स्वास्थ्य मायनेरखता है….

हृदय, गुर्देऔर मस्तिष्क की बीमारियों केिलए ईएसआईसी लाभार्थियों की जांच करनेका िमशन

A concept Note

The ESIC has launched Annual Preventive health check up initiative for a healthier workforce on 15th August to screen IPs for early detection of Lifestyle disorders, precancerous lesions and Nutritional deficiencies.

The ESIC Superspeciality hospital, Sanathnagar, Hyderabad aims to take this vision further and has designed a mission to be called as “Touching Million Lives” revolving around the objective of early detection of lifestyle diseases.

The mission involves screening IPs for the risk factors or disease itself. The early detection of risk factors will help us working on them changing their lifestyle. Similarly detection of any preexisting disease at its early stage will avoid its further progression. The purpose of these interventions is to reduce the morbidity and mortality through well structured and scientific protocols. Through this initiative we would like to work for our IPs beyond four walls of hospital.

It is a well known fact that the Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) continue to be the biggest killer across globe including India. There were close to 2 Million death in India alone due to CVD. The matter of concern about these deaths in India is a majority of them are premature and more importantly majority of them are preventable.

The ESIC Superspeciality hospital under this mission aims to reach out to a million IPs registered in the state of Telangana to screen them for lifestyle diseases over the period of year starting this September

This involves following steps:

Step 1: Assessment of IPs through a questionnaire.

Each question carries a risk score. We would arrive at a risk score based on the answers.

  • The questionnaires are already being sent out to IPs from the 9th of September.
  • Questionnaire will be collected by 17th of September.
  • From 17th to 23rd, we would evaluate these questionnaires and arrive at a list of patients with high and moderate risk.
  • These lists will be shared with respective Industries and the IPs will be called to attend the physical camp to be held on 28th and 29th of September at ESIC SS hospital, Sanathnagar.

Step 2: Mega Camp at ESIC SSH ON 28th and 29th September:

The ones with high and moderate risk or specific risk factors, they will be subjected to Lab tests and/or imaging to further evaluate them to understand their disease status.

The mission will be inaugurated on 29th of September, Sunday which is celebrated as World heart Day

These two days will involve screening and evaluation of patients based on their risk scores which will begin on 28th of September morning 8 am and will continue on 29th till last patient is being attended and evaluated.

We expect to receive at least 7500 patients on these two days.

The detailed workflows for all the activities is being charted out including purpose made ten waiting Lounges, ten registration counters, help desk, ten Sample collection counters, around 10 ECG machines, around 7 ECHO machines, three USG machines.

There will be more than 100 doctors, staff nurses, technicians working round the clock on those two days for the smooth conduct of camp.

This will be first such camp in the series of multiple camps to be held from September this year to the September of next year. We aim to cover minimum of a million IPs and their dependents during this one year period.

Every single IP will be followed up at individual level to help him bring in lifestyle change in him or her.

Step 3: The definitive therapy and Long term follow up:

At the end of the camp, our teams will then evaluate the Part 1 and Part 2 of the questionnaire which then be used to plan therapies/ Treatments and long term follow up including helping these individuals with Lifestyle modifications. This will be achieved again through creating multiple risk based cohorts to target them with specially prepared Audio Video messages, Pictures and frequent small social gatherings to sensitise and motivate them to quit smoking/alcohol and inculcate good and healthy habits. This will be continuous process and will be monitored through a specially designed app.

The camp mode of the mission will end in September 2025, however the real journey of changing the lifestyle and the disease risk score will continue after that till we see a change in our IPs. This long term follow up and creating awareness amongst them will be hallmark feature of this mission.

We the doctors and staff at ESIC Superspeciality hospital, Sanathnagar on behalf of all our patients, IPs and their dependents are humbly requesting the Hon’able Minister to grace the occasion. Your esteemed presence at the event would not only inspire the attendees but also highlight the importance of health initiatives in the labor sector. We believe that your support and insights will further strengthen our efforts to provide accessible healthcare to all. We would be honored if you could inaugurate the camp and address the gathering. Your participation will add immense value to the event, and we are confident that your presence will motivate others to actively participate in such vital initiatives.